Pickle Rick
Type: #TryHackMe
Links: https://tryhackme.com/room/picklerick
This room will allow me to start completing the ‘Starter Series’ on TryHackMe; a series of beginner ctfs to assist with developing my penetration testing skills.
Starting the Machine within TryHackMe, I opted to use a flag -sV with my Nmap script to enumerate versions of the services running on the target machine, the command resulted in the enumeration of port 22/ssh running OpenSSH 7.2p2 and port 80/http running Apache Version 2.4.18.
Visting yielded a web server, there is no initial information on the webserver so I viewed the source of the page.
Viewing the page source revealed the username ‘R1ckRul3s’, this is a common weakness within web applications (CWE-312 : Cleartext Storage of Sensitive Information).
Before using a tool like gobuster to brute force potential directories, I used common web files such as robots.txt to attempt to further enumerate the webserver. contained ‘Wubbalubbadubdub’ which could be used alongside the username ‘R1ckRul3s’.
I attempted to log in to the SSH server on port 22 using these credentials but was denied, meaning more enumeration on the webserver is needed.
A gobuster scan quickly revealed /assets, visiting reveals a number of files.
These credentials can be used on a login page at
The credentials allow for successful authentication and redirect to, on this page is an input box that allows for the execution of commands.
Using ‘ls’ to list directory contents results in a directory listing with ‘Sup3rS3cretPickl3Ingred.txt’, at this time the ‘cat’ command is not usable.
To attempt to gain a foothold I navigated to https://pentestmonkey.net/cheat-sheet/shells/reverse-shell-cheat-sheet and started a listener on port 4444
To start I first used a Perl reverse shell
Initial attempts at gaining a reverse shell did not work and instead, I used a reverse shell from https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/blob/master/Methodology%20and%20Resources/Reverse%20Shell%20Cheatsheet.md
This resulted in a reverse shell, after this, I can start retrieving the flags for the ctf. The second ingredient being found within /home/rick, also confirms the existence of a rick user. The final flag for the ctf likely requires additional privileges.
Using sudo -l displays that www-data can run any command without a password.
Using “sudo su” results in root access, this can be confirmed using the “whoami” command. The third flag can be found within /root.
This was a fairly easy ctf, with the foothold into the machine being gained through CWE-312, allowing for access into /portal.php, where a vulnerable input box resulted in a reverse shell, and the lack of permissions resulted in a privilege escalation.